maandag 30 november 2020

bereid je altijd voor op de innerlijke winter


Human beings instinctively act with great wisdom: as winter sets in for example they stock up on wood or coal and make sure that they have warm clothes to protect them from the impending cold. Unfortunately, they have far less foresight when it comes to providing for the rigours of inner winters. They never think of preparing themselves and when the dark days come, they spend their time lamenting and saying that life is meaningless. You will say that the seasons of the inner life do not come and go with the same regularity as in nature; as such, they are not as predictable. That is true, but you must know that winter will inevitably return from time to time. If you learn to observe what goes on within you, in fact you will see that there are always signs that give you advance warning. So, learn to observe yourself, and as soon as you sense that a dark, cold period is about to begin, be on your guard. Prepare the spiritual elements that will help you to keep the fire and light burning within. Jesus said, ‘Walk while you have the light, so that the darkness may not overtake you.’ This means, ‘Make the most of good conditions while you have them, so that when difficulties arise you will have the arms you need to face up to them. 

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

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