woensdag 25 november 2020

veel verscheidenheid Leven mogelijk houden


De huidige stand van de planeet is niet om blij van te worden. Vooral de omgang met onze vier elementen aarde, water vuur en aarde baart grote zorgen. 
Toch is het onze opgave deze aardehuid met haar sferen tot wasdom, tot levengevende groei te brengen en zelfs voorbij het materiele.  Allen die de weg van vernietiging, vergiftiging, vervuiling hebben gekozen zitten aan de verkeerde kant en verliezen hun ziel. Blijf volhouden in  volharding van je opgave om Leven te geven en te onderhouden voor deze kostbare parel in het Universum.

In the rest of the universe, the earth is not considered to be a place of privilege; it is not an honour to be here. The earth is a reformatory and human beings are sent here for training, to learn to be better human beings. But this will not always be the case, for the earth is also a vast field in which countless beings work and cultivate the soil according to the Lord's instructions. At the moment, part of this field is still lying fallow; it is going to take hundreds and thousands of years before it is fully productive. But conditions are improving regularly and one day the earth will be a garden full of flowers, a divine orchard. It will truly be the kingdom of God and its inhabitants will be the children of light and love. For a very long time now, billions of beings have been working here, voluntarily committed to a task so gigantic that very few of you can have any notion of it. 

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

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