woensdag 22 december 2021

De werkelijke Procreatie is daar dat Verbonden blijft


Wherever you go, whether to the mountains, the forests, the lakes or the seaside, if you wish to demonstrate that you are children of God who aspire to a more subtle and luminous life, you must show that you are conscious of the presence of the etheric creatures who live there. 
Approach them with respect and reverence; begin by greeting them, then tell them of your friendship and love, and ask for their blessings. Enchanted by your attitude, these creatures, who perceive you from afar, prepare to shower their gifts upon you in the form of peace, light and pure energy. You will feel bathed and enveloped in the love and wonderment of these spiritual beings; when you return to the valleys and towns, you will bring all these riches back with you, as well as revelations and ideas that are broader and more profound. 

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

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