Natuurvolkeren merken eerder dan de
binnnemensen dat er veranderingen gaande
zijn aan de zon-, maan- en sterrenstanden, naast de veranderingen in klimaat en
windbewegingen. De aardas is in beweging, deels zeer klein en ook groter de
laatste jaren.
“The elders [ of the Inuit] maintain the Sun doesn't rise were it used
too, they have longer day light to hunt and the Sun is higher than it used to
be and warms up quicker than before.
The elders who were interviewed across
the north all said the same thing, their sky has changed.
The stars the Sun and the Moon have all changed affecting
the temperature, even affecting the way the wind blows, it is becoming
increasingly hard to predict the weather, something that is a must on the
Vraag; waarom merkt men hier in het Westen niet bij de
oude zon georienteerde heiligdomen dat de opkomst- en ondergangspunten mogelijk
ook aan het veranderen zijn?
Voorheen was de katholieke kerk de instantie die wanen in
stand hield. Is het nu de wetenschap?
”And all things on the earth shall alter, and shall not appear in
their time.
And the moon shall alter her order, and not appear at her time.
in those days the sun shall be seen
. And he shall journey in the evening on
the extremity of the great chariot in the west
. And shall shine more brightly
than accords with the order of light.”
the Book of Enoch