Ik heb eens onderricht gehad van een Egyptische geomant, dr.
Ibrahim F. Karin uit Cairo, specialist in fysische
radiesthesie, die leerde om objecten zo te plaatsen dat ze 'het meest op hun plaats zijn'. Noem het 'goud orientering'.
De volgende uitspraak van Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov doet me daar weer aan denken. Nu uitvoeren weer.
"Take an object and give it your love. Say to it, ‘There, I am placing you here where you will purify the air and sing.’
You have no doubt read that in ancient Egypt, the priests prepared objects that they placed inside the tombs in order to help the deceased in the afterlife. They used special techniques to do so, pronounced certain formulas. Even without knowing these formulas, you can already start to work with objects. And because you will regard them as living beings, you will also better understand the stories that are told about icons and statues that waved, bowed, spoke, smiled or cried. Even if you do not see them move, even if you do not hear them speak, a real link will be established between you and these objects. They will support you in your efforts to create a new world, they will accompany you on the path of light".
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